But the agency keeps plugging away, walking the green line, believing that it, clients and consumers will benefit.
When this circumstance arises the client may benefit from meeting with a professional who holds a degree and a certification.
And clients may benefit, too, some experts say.
The clients do not require 3D graphics cards, but may benefit from them if they are available.
Critics of the network practice reject the notion that clients can benefit just because their lawyers are connected.
This suggests that these clients might benefit from help in learning to regulate their emotions.
Still, he added, the industry is changing and investors and corporate clients alike could benefit from that.
I think that clients, as it happens, have benefited but for the wrong reasons as it were.
Evidently her attorney was the first person to contact the department indicating that his client might benefit from this new provision.
The news was also a step toward solving the mystery of which big clients benefited from Nomura's special treatment.