I think this is another Dropbox strength, actually; the client app works so well that you almost never need to use the website.
At this point, MS seems to have fumbled both the client apps and the service.
The Taxi professional revenue model is currently based on the selling of the client apps and there is no fee for submitting bookings through the client app.
A very small local client app decompresses the frames and passes along player input-again, the phone needs just enough cycles to run the UI.
Basically HTML 5 is for universal development and Silverlight is for client apps, especially WP7.
Another is that managing data-sharing connections between a single server and a single client app at a time does not scale broadly to Internet usage.
The higher level widgets were built out of lower level primitives in the same way a (remote) client app would.
Well, that there is plenty of opportunity to develop great apps that integrate into Twitter freely, without directly competing with them by building rival client apps.
GDocsDrive is a client app for Google Docs.
When you're using a VM on the iPad, you see the compression updating repeatedly even though the screen isn't changing, so it's not a particularly efficient remote client app.