The Captain snapped to attention, his boot heels clicking smartly together.
The crews got to their feet as the Groupie's footsteps clicked smartly down the centre aisle.
Sara Jane's heels clicked smartly on the pavement as she walked away.
The drawers never stuck and the metal latches clicked smartly when they closed.
There are possible justifications for this, but the sound of smartly clicking clockwork is unignorable.
She was already walking toward the living room, her heels clicking smartly against the highly polished marble floors.
'The dark soldiers,' Helmclever whispered, as a little troll clicked smartly into place.
Bauer shouted the reply, snapped to attention, and smartly clicked his heels, causing both animals to whimper.
Mrs. Sarong's heels clicked smartly, and Al gave me an amused grin over his smoked glasses.
Al's shoes clicked smartly, and everyone tensed as he came to the table.