In another, a view of a tower on a hill is improvised from an accidental spill, a thin ink stain that Hugo cleverly turns into fog.
Alec cleverly turns the hat's magic against his master into multiple painful and humiliating ways and unsuccessful attempts of magic.
Lexmark's "Erase-Eaze" can cleverly turn either side of the split space bar into a handy backspace.
The judges thought this play was "enchanting," "authentic" and that it cleverly turns the subject of loneliness into "joyous listening."
Levy cleverly turns the tables on the couple's sense of superiority by describing the unthinking throng almost sympathetically: "less rigorous/ It had no scorn at all for us."
Through precise presentations and mind-spinning titles, Ms. Parker cleverly turns the trivial into secular relics.
In its obvious way, "This Note's for You" cleverly turns the tables on advertisers who use rock in sales pitches.
He cleverly turned her wretchedness to his advantage, and when it suited him subtly reminded her of her shame.
When that help arrived, he kicked off another attack in the failing light, cleverly turning on his boats' searchlights to illuminate enemy forces and positions.