Ultimately, T-Bag is a cleverly created anti-Sherlock Holmes, a stock character whose personality is shaped (in certain key facets) to be the polar opposite of Holmes.
When it was first presented by Joseph Banks to English naturalists it was thought to be so strange that it was a cleverly created hoax.
The ghostly cube was cleverly created by a bit of tape and an arrangement of newspapers around a bare spot on the floor.
Thus, Welch had cleverly created a product sold at movie theater concession stands and identified with a specific movie and radio series and displaying a name that sounded almost exactly like that property-yet different enough that it avoided any fees for licensing and merchandising.
When a Platypus pelt was first presented by Joseph Banks to English naturalists in the late 18th century, they were convinced it must be a cleverly created hoax.
Scenarios with characters getting enmeshed in trouble inadvertently are created cleverly in the story.
Snce at least Descartes, some of us have been haunted by the worry that our own mind may be real, but those of others merely cleverly created illusions or otherwise unreal.
The Scotsman of June 22, 1937 started off its review by saying, "Suspense is cleverly created and sustained in this film version of the late Frank Vosper's play."
Theatre critic WA Darlington of The Daily Telegraph called it "a cleverly created illusion".
The scenes include homes, a witches' cauldron reminiscent of "Macbeth," the Turkish bazaar, a marketplace and an inn, all cleverly created by Ray Recht.