He may be a very clever spy, but you're right.
"Faith, then," said the stranger, "let us hope, my worthy host, that these clever spies will not succeed in upsetting your extremely loyal opinions."
They say he is the cleverest spy that ever lived.
"It's because you are the cleverest spy in the war."
Morris had been tracking down this preternaturally clever spy for months, under Government orders.
Who knows what a clever spy could make of the babbling of drunken crewmen?
Perhaps a very clever spy could have fooled us.
It struck Janet instantly that Sigmar, like any clever spy, would have another place where he could go.
A clever spy from the mainland should be rerecruited or killed.
"He and his brother are the sons of a clever spy who must have been sent to Bayport purposely to steal your invention."