It is not about some clever software or a new design in semiconductors.
"Really clever, super-secret software that could help the cause?"
However, the development of increasingly powerful processors and some clever software means the pen-based computers are starting to become available at a realistic price.
The scanner manufacturers use lots of clever software to simulate halftones by a process called dithering.
Then it is up to clever software to distribute the computing chores across the many processors on the computer.
The bits can be copied, transported, assembled and manipulated, using increasingly powerful computers and clever software, in limitless ways.
But clever software of various kinds is probably the most important technology.
Like biology, crystallography is increasingly becoming a computational science, relying on fast computers and clever software.
The essence of the technology is virtualization, a computing term that refers to clever software that lashes several machines together to focus on one task.
But shortly after he became chief in 2005, a crime analyst who had retired from the force convinced him to try some clever software.