You're a clever devil, I'll give you that.
But once under attack, the Peddlers had fought like devils, clever devils with a hundred surprises they must have prepared in advance.
The enemy outwitted again, you clever devil.
The clever devil who'd answered the phone had said private calls after four p.m., which I guessed would be a shift change for the staff.
Just to be on the safe side, Zeno, handcuff the little one's right wrist to this clever devil's left ankle.
Oh getting a clever devil isn't he?
It's the English you have to watch--they're the clever, crafty devils in this line of country.
He said: "He's a damned clever little devil!"
He's a clever devil, I'll say that for him.
There's enough patches and stitches in it as it is without some clever devil trying to find more, I can assure you.