When I asked for the box, the clerk rummaged about under the counter and through the back room but could not find it.
The clerk hunted around awhile, glancing at one title and then another, but apparently not finding what he wanted.
A draper's clerk moves into high society, but soon finds that money doesn't buy happiness.
The clerk checked the records and found that the subscription had expired.
The clerk found a notation in the box and brought forth a package that lay beneath the desk.
The clerk went to the elevator and found Page in what he said was a distraught state.
The clerk at the switchboard had found some other business; and had left his chair.
When you see something you like, a clerk will find it in your size.
The clerk found us and led us back to the courtroom, where all players were in place.
At that moment, a clerk tried the door again, entered, and found the colonel sitting in his chair looking puzzled.