Linda Dawkins, a clerical aide for the Department of Health, said she and her fellow employees had begun to feel as if City Hall and union leaders have become "just one big clique."
Alternatively, individuals with mobility impairments may be provided access to the library's services through a bookmobile, by special messenger service, through use of clerical aides, or by any other method that makes the resources of the library "readily accessible."
The jobs, they said, include positions for clerical aides, security guards, messengers, library technicians, supply clerks, mail clerks and forestry workers.
The former welfare recipients work for the Government as clerical aides, security guards, messengers, library technicians, supply clerks and mail clerks, among other positions.
One witness, Barbara Latham, said the retaliation against her for refusing to cooperate in corrupt practices included being sent on armed raids in Tennessee, though she was 60 and a clerical aide to criminal investigators.
She has missed many days of the work assignment as a clerical aide that followed.
Ms. Ramos, who started as a clerical aide a decade ago, had served in the United States Army Reserve.
The other consists of local service workers - custodians, security guards, taxi drivers, clerical aides, parking attendants, sales people, restaurant employees - whose jobs are dependent on the symbolic analysts.
To supplement the income, Mrs. Ellis works as a clerical aide in school and as a weekend hairdresser.
Lieutenant Jastrow gave me a Class D fitness report my first month back in uniform--a clerical aide told me he cited my "Reluctance to employ sufficient force with recalcitrant misdemeanants."