A slender, brown cigar was clenched in his teeth.
The man spoke with the pipe clenched in his teeth.
He was holding the pipe which Mort had seen clenched in his teeth at various parties over the last three years or so.
Friedrich saw then that the beast had something clenched in its teeth.
He walked off with the bottom of his jersey clenched in his teeth.
The general sits behind the desk, a long cigar clenched in his teeth.
I had no desire to go to Hanoi with a knife clenched in my teeth.
Jack greeted me, a fat cigar clenched in his teeth.
"I guess we'll see what happens when we get there," Xris said through the twist clenched in his teeth.
Plum looked down to where Harry was pulling away from her, one end of the ribbon clenched firmly in his teeth.