Hannah is clearly torn as she believes her father's attitude stems from the loss of his wife years ago.
The girl opened her mouth, clearly torn; there were things she wanted to ask the two strangers with swords on their backs.
Arkin hesitated for a moment, clearly torn, wanting to come with his leader.
He was clearly torn between two needs: the need to kill her, and the need to get away from that hated place.
Thome, 32, was clearly torn between staying in Cleveland and taking a significantly higher offer.
But Gore is still clearly torn between his idealism and political pragmatism.
"I think love is letting people be themselves," he said, clearly torn.
Grimm looked toward the hall, then back at Quinn, clearly torn.
Many are clearly torn between the moment's anger and pragmatism.
Clearly torn by the dilemma, the vice president decided to sleep on it, and then shelved the speech.