Clearly silhouetted against the car headlights above was a black figure.
"Although running without lights, the victim vessel would become clearly silhouetted against the glow."
Silhouetted clearly against a full moon, Philip picked out the most desirable target.
For a moment his head was clearly silhouetted?
The shadowy panoramic landscape was silhouetted clearly against the skyline.
They were clearly silhouetted against the sparkling, blue-glowing waters.
Silhouetted clearly in the light, he raised one arm and waved to them to let them know that he was coming as a German.
"I can see you silhouetted clearly," he declared.
They were clearly silhouetted against the sparkling, blueglowing wa ters.
If the hunters were going to try something tonight, there was no point in giving them the advantage of being able to see their targets clearly silhouetted.