Ms. Saltzman was clearly shocked by her abrupt dismissal.
They were clearly shocked by the ability of a company to sell these data, and they let loose a storm of complaints.
Javanne was clearly shocked by this childish opportunism, but Mikhail almost laughed.
He sees Chucky and is clearly shocked by what he sees.
He was clearly shocked to hear the answer the son had given Ms. Bikel at the hospital: the approval his father had withheld.
The prince touched his fingers to head and heart and said something that Sulu missed, but he was clearly shocked by what he saw.
Erminet was clearly shocked, and her customary sour- ness gave way to sudden humanity.
This morning the staff were ordered not to talk about the closure, but they were clearly shocked.
The Regent was clearly shocked by his news.
When he mentioned Bioaparat, Klein was clearly shocked.