But that the data and decimal points - including those crunched by the New York Times computer ranking - have them at No. 2 clearly rankles.
The issue clearly rankles Mr. Kemp, who in recent days has stepped up his complaints about "sunshine patriots."
But the Mayor's arguments clearly rankled.
He glosses over the past two seasons, although missing out on the World Cup for the second time clearly rankles.
What clearly rankled many Government officials about the rightist attack is that a former Prime Minister had led the charge.
His enthusiasm for almost everything having to do with wine is undimmed, yet it clearly rankles when he is attacked.
The charge that they were World Champions by default clearly rankled with the Wallabies.
And the collapse clearly still rankles Ms. Wells Lawrence because it threatens to diminish her legacy.
Invidious comparisons with its neighbor clearly rankle First Union, which dismisses them as simplistic, provincial and irrelevant.
But the employment decisions clearly rankled those who were instrumental in passing the disabilities act.