On the park side, the building erupts into a more characteristically fragmented Gehry collage, but one that is clearly indebted to French style.
Another standout is "Antioch," clearly indebted to de Kooning's broad gestural paint handling but also more evanescent.
"Thank you, Dr. Sanderling," the patient said, clearly indebted.
As an organization, it was clearly indebted to the principles and priorities of the Arts and Crafts movement, but with a decidedly modern twist.
Ms. Roosen is clearly indebted to Eva Hesse.
The picture is clearly indebted to another of Thorgerson's works: the sleeve and video for Pink Floyd's 'High Hopes'.
Also clearly indebted to Dutch painting is this exhibition's signature image, of a veiled woman with pearls.
Later Southern thinkers, notably John C. Calhoun, were clearly indebted to Taylor.
Bourdieu's own work is clearly indebted to Marx, Weber and Durkheim.
Eventually, early melodramatic styles, clearly indebted to the 19th century theater, gave way in Western cinema to a relatively naturalistic style.