At least six men were clearly implicated in the conspiracy.
This is perhaps the most painful question raised by Rich's book, since his own newspaper was clearly implicated.
And it wouldn't surprise him if she came up with something clearly implicating you.
He left physical evidence at the vicarage clearly implicating him.
"Florida's privacy provision is clearly implicated in a woman's decision of whether or not to continue her pregnancy," the opinion said.
The amygdala has 12 to 15 distinct regions and only two so far have been clearly implicated in fear.
They run in families in ways that clearly implicate a role for genes.
The evidence clearly implicated U Saw, who was tried, condemned, and sentenced to death.
WNT4 has been clearly implicated in the atypical version of this disorder.
Bonsignore was the only politician who was clearly implicated in the scandal.