The fault's trace was formerly clearly exposed in a sea cliff at the northern portion of the reserve, but is now obscured by cultural changes.
It sets out the Department's priorities, with implementation milestones clearly exposed for public scrutiny.
Her head and upper body were clearly and cleanly exposed to a thousand guns.
The externalities of conventional fossil and nuclear power have been clearly exposed these last few weeks.
He could see that a gate on the road leading to the airstrip was guarded by two men who were clearly exposed by an overhead light.
I mentally pale, and the newness of our relationship is clearly exposed, along with the fragility.
Though users are able to create archives in a legacy format, this functionality is not clearly exposed.
Sixty years on from its foundation, the UN's weakness has yet again been clearly exposed.
These terms are regarded as expressions of different and distinguishable notions, although the ground of the distinction has never been clearly exposed.