His words echoed clearly away, as if they were seconded by scores of light crystal voices.
Though the museum tour in Baltimore was only an hour long, it clearly echoed Dr. Cash's emphasis on function over form.
His voice echoed clearly to the hidden murderer.
They were let into a granite block of size and strength that echoed clearly: "No-not this way, my friend."
The question clearly echoed the thoughts of millions of people in a country where the law says any contribution over $10,500 must be declared.
A moment later, the sounds of the waiter seating her echoed clearly over the transmitter.
The snap of breaking bone echoed clearly between the walls.
She loved Dury; his work clearly echoed her own obsession with punning, tabloidised reality.
Panic reared up, echoed clearly in his voice.
Almost incidental to that she produced a few woodblock prints of her own, some clearly echoing her bonseki scenes.