For example, a 20-story hotel function as part of a 150-story tower does not comply with the 15% rule, though this would clearly constitute mixed use.
At the same time, any major dispersion of our wall of battle clearly constitutes an unwarrantable risk.
The work clearly constitutes an attack against any race, creed or religion.
But it has almost no mandate in the Treasury markets except for cases that clearly constitute fraud.
Of course, his escort, now numbering fifteen in all, clearly constituted an invitation.
Given their slave status, their powers are debatable but they clearly constitute an official body.
Their wheezing vocalizations were striking and clearly constituted a form of language.
The teams are managed by local coaches, but not the high school coaches, as this would clearly constitute off-season coaching, which is prohibited.
These years clearly constituted a period of transition.
Employment, which many of you have continued to focus on, clearly constitutes a final objective.