Both of these men left many sons, however, their immediate posterity are not clearly connected with definite area.
The improvement of the enumeration lists was clearly connected with the instruments developed to serve an orderly administration.
The lingering image is clearly connected to her choice of profession.
Other public interest factors include whether the hospitality was not clearly connected with a legitimate business activity, or was concealed.
His compositions have their own logic, each phrase clearly connected to the next.
The fear of falling seems clearly connected with our arboreal origins and is a fear we apparently share with other primates.
Surely his usual rule of never answering questions about his clients would not apply here; the woman was clearly connected with the bank herself.
Utøya is quite clearly connected to the name of Utvika on the shoreside.
"There has been another murder, clearly connected to those horrible murders in London, very close to Bath."
There was no pattern they could discern that clearly connected all the victims.