Predictions of imminent disaster by Government officials are clearly calculated to spur the West into military action.
At one point the Soviet leader turned to reporters and uttered a few words in a statement that was clearly calculated.
The exhibition is clearly calculated to push buttons; it invites you to be amused or appalled.
The attacks were clearly calculated long ahead of time, and thus were the result of the "human brain," he said, tapping his head.
Ms. Jackson has clearly calculated the titillation factor, as Madonna once did.
The gesture was clearly calculated but nonetheless effective for it.
At times, those reflections were clearly calculated for consumption back home, like his references to the west side of Chicago.
However, I would suspect this is a more clearly calculated backup plan.
But beyond the principles involved, the White House had clearly calculated that it would have been more of a political mistake to sign the bill.
Using the term "pyramid" was clearly calculated to defame the company.