In other words, Parliament has not clearly authorized the Courts to declare legislation inoperative.
You massed a few carriers, put a few bombers back on nuclear alert, but never made any real attempt to prepare the nation for the possibility of a general war, even though you were clearly authorized and expected to do so.
In the last years of Bill Clinton's administration, the commission's findings show, there were deep misunderstandings between White House officials, who believed the president had clearly authorized actions that would kill Mr. bin Laden, and C.I.A. officers who thought that they were only permitted to kill him in a capture attempt.
Indeed, Cheryl E. Hader, a partner at Ropes & Gray who represents Mr. Rowe, argues that the strategy he used was clearly authorized by the tax law and that no patent should have been granted.
Prosecutors, however, argued that the 31-year-old helicopters could still have been used for military operations and that Mr. Sissoko had clearly authorized the $30,000 offer to Mr. Outlaw.
When asked by the Bishop of Leiria in 1943 to reveal the third secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period, being "not yet convinced that God had clearly authorized her to act."
The Supreme Court extended its constitutional and equity analysis to public employees in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, 431 U.S. 209 (1977), holding that, where public employee collective bargaining exists and agency fee clauses are clearly authorized by law, public employee agency fee mechanisms are also constitutional.
He was clearly authorized to negotiate in the name of the Stasi, the most ruthlessly efficient secret service in the world, and by the mid-70's, in the name of the East German leader, Erich Honecker, as well.
Citing a 1993 decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, he ruled that the Sweet Home plaintiffs were right in saying the Fish and Wildlife Service's 1981 regulation defining harm to encompass altering habitat was overly broad and not clearly authorized by Congress in the Endangered Species Act.