"I will be along, we're almost through with the port clearance procedures."
For further information on goods removed using the local clearance procedure, refer to paragraph 10.9.
But he doesn't see anything but this terrorist stuff until the clearance procedures are complete.
It is also the position that unless special clearance procedures have been obtained partners should not:
It's the clearance procedures we have to comply with after we dock.
A third name was added to the clearance procedures for that official record on Hong Kong.
"If the right to bring in independents has already been held constitutional, the obligation to go through the clearance procedure is an anomalous appendage."
Alternatively, goods may move under local clearance procedures to an authorised importer's approved premises.
However these goods may later be released from warehousing and free zones using the Local Clearance Procedure.
The Local Clearance Procedure must not be used to release excise goods at the frontier.