He stood gazing into the flames for a moment, gulped the raw liquor and spoke in a clear, resonant baritone.
Master of demagoguery, ruler of men, when he spoke again his voice seemed flat in comparison, his magnificent baritone clear and soft.
Don heard the major's voice in a clear triumphant baritone: "Venus and Freedom!"
His voice was a warm, clear baritone.
Opera magazine remarked on it being an "astonishingly mature" performance, and that he "used his warm and clear baritone with notable musicianship".
It was singing in a small clear baritone.
Perfect pitch, strong clear baritone.
Robeson found fame when he took the stage in the 1930's, traveling the world and singing spirituals in a deep, clear baritone.
Kirk looked to Spock, who answered in a clear baritone, "Six days, three hours, and twenty-four minutes."
"You look wonderful as always," he said in his deep, clear baritone, his enunciation precise.