People were running everywhere, and as at Magdeburg I was immediately impressed into a cleanup squad.
At its peak in 1987, the highly visible cleanup squad had 1,382 workers picking up after the city at a cost of $50 million a year.
Mac's cleanup squad would not be dealing with this one.
If error is promptly admitted and rectified, no cleanup squad is needed.
She'd come to ferry a cleanup squad of killers through the secret passage, to finish off any survivors remaining above.
Anyone who didn't run away could be left for Teuthras's cleanup squads.
That's the last of the firemen and the cleanup squad out the door.
Whatever else they had, they did not have a very efficient cleanup squad.
A few of us were invited to join a cleanup squad, collecting trophies, things like that.
The cleanup squad initially assumed they were dealing with wall-to-wall junk.