Basic cleanup equipment had still not been delivered to the cleanup site.
Most cleanup equipment wouldprobably be stored on shore and governed by a related set of regulations the Coast Guard must write.
Most of those commenting advised against putting major cleanup equipment on oil vessels.
Alyeska was obligated to have a specific amount of cleanup equipment at the dock and to have any large spill contained within five hours of an accident.
And it spurned an offer from the town to store cleanup equipment, Mr. McAlpine said, saying it was not necessary.
In any spill, the main issue is containment of leaked oil as soon as possible, so as to allow time for mobilization of proper cleanup equipment.
In 2002, the council issued guidelines for offshore oil drilling, calling for drilling projects to be preceded by studies on environmental effects and the availability of cleanup equipment.
Alyeska got in a lot of knives by not maintaining its cleanup equipment and crew.
Nonetheless, nearly half the project funds will be spent outside of Russia, for foreign environmental cleanup equipment and foreign consultants.
Commander Howe said the cleanup had been made easier by the stockpiling of cleanup equipment in San Juan.