As the cleanup continued, utility companies moved to restore water service.
While the cleanup continues, people throughout the region are slowly turning to the long-term questions of putting their lives back together.
As the cleanup continues, we will offer whatever additional resources and assistance our coastal states may need.
The cleanup will continue until 3 P.M., and volunteers are expected to come and go throughout the day.
He said the company was willing to consider selling it, but several issues would have to be addressed, like how the cleanup of the site would continue.
Riparian cleanup and habitat restoration continues with citizens groups together with the Port.
Soil removal was completed at the Coke site in 2005, and cleanup of that soil will continue for several years.
Environmental cleanup and land transfer to the surrounding community continues to the present day.
The cleanup of the nine-mile stretch of water continued yesterday.
The court ordered cleanup continued throughout the next two decades and is still ongoing.