In addition to environmentally clean combustion, reduction of inorganic sulfur must be achieved in the char bed.
Homogeneous mixing of fuel and air leads to cleaner combustion and lower emissions.
Its vision is defined as: "To be the international reference point for clean and efficient industrial combustion."
These promise to combine clean combustion with high efficiency.
Gas turbines are used in many small systems due to their high efficiency, small size, clean combustion, durability and low maintenance requirements.
In 1924 he announced an additive to gasoline that would allow cleaner combustion with fewer harmful fumes.
And it developed new intake ports for the engine's cylinders that enable faster and cleaner combustion.
The employees - and we must congratulate them for this - have developed a plan based around the concept 'let us create the European champion in clean combustion'.
At the same time, such a plan leads to high energy efficiency and clean combustion.
The longer this period is, the better, so that we can introduce the clean combustion and storage technologies that already exist in the European Union.