Just good clean soap and water, and clean bedding.
They spent the night there, letting the horses stay in the small stable, where they had good oats and clean bedding.
It was clean bedding, toilet paper, protection from the rain and insulation against the cold.
That's another thing I bet you'll like about my place: hot showers and clean bedding.
All pets need feeding, clean bedding, decent living conditions and amusement.
It was Yara who made sure that Kilisha had clean bedding, good food, safe water, and all the other basic necessities of life.
Management factors such as separating different age groups, and providing good ventilation and clean bedding also reduce disease incidence.
I have had them deprived of everything from clean bedding to regular meals.
Treatment is symptomatic and the condition can be prevented by housing animals on clean, dry bedding.
My first idea was to put him in the basket in which we took down the client's clean bedding.