Keyboard instruction is conducted in third grade classrooms with the classroom set of student keyboard writers.
Scott renovated the sets for the Eppes' living room and for Charlie's office, and he added a classroom set.
Other schools just buy entire classroom sets.
The large classroom sets came housed in furniture quality wooden cabinets, which were made by the company.
Subscribe to receive free single copies or classroom sets.
Over 400 computers are available for student use, including 83 computers in the library and four classroom sets of laptops.
Each classroom set includes 30 copies of the magazine, the teacher's guide and the half-hour audio cassette.
Shows like Non è mai troppo tardi... were simply shot in a classroom set and meant to help with reconstruction.
Junior Kindergarten through third grade has classroom sets of iPads, and all fourth and fifth graders have their own iPads.
The Science and Mathematics departments each have classroom sets of laptops.