Since 1997, the firm has been awarded more than $1.6 billion in unclassified federal contracts and an unknown amount of classified work.
Yulii was forbidden to contact his parents after he had started classified work.
Most of the others argued that they had never engaged in classified work.
I'm involved in heavily classified work, and I can never talk about it.
There are no published studies on the survivability of its degradation products, although some classified work may have been carried out.
I think we can also be fairly certain that they focus on classified work for the government.
The top floors of the building on Moscow's main ring road are believed to be where the most classified political work is carried out.
The grand staircase in the lobby is a classified architectural work.
But these here are part of Tiger's outside staff, doing more or less classified work.
You've done classified work before, so you know the privilege- and responsibility- it entails.