Small groups of Montaine people appear to have lingered much beyond their classically defined period in parts of the most mountainous valleys.
However, modern opinion considers the apparent similarities the result of convergent evolution, and based on a wealth of evidence splits the classically defined "Pelecaniformes" into several groups.
The Latin words hortus (garden plant) and cultura (culture) together form horticulture, classically defined as the culture or growing of garden plants.
Daniele Barbaro, in his 1567 translation of Vitruvius, classically defined perfection as "that which lacks nothing and to which nothing can be added."
If the area visible to the cell is reduced to its classically defined receptive field the cell is less likely to respond to coloured objects.
The domination of the curriculum by subjects classically defined was, indeed, the most obvious feature of the grammar-school curriculum.
It is classically defined in the lac operon as a segment between the promoter and the genes of the operon.
Meanwhile, in Germany, perfect physical specimens who conformed to classically defined stereotypes became the genetic goal.
The sacred then, as classically defined, is the object of both hope and fear, both fascination and dread.
Typical scleroderma is classically defined as symmetrical skin thickening, with about 90% of cases also presenting with Raynaud's phenomenon, nail-fold capillary changes, and antinuclear antibodies.