Its only markings were four Xs (a nice classical touch, I thought) and a skull and crossbones.
Drawing a lesson from the successful renaming of the Post Office as "Consignia" in 2001, this new name would lend a classical touch.
On either side of it were a parr of red globe lights, a classical touch I admired.
He has produced films with a classical touch in the 1970s and 1980s.
The limestone facade is mildly Art Deco with classical touches.
Jones' basslines have been described as melodic and his keyboard playing added a classical touch to the band's sound.
Sting's music has also slowed down and become more stately, taking on jazz, classical and Latin touches.
He hired local artists and craftsmen to add classical touches, including plaster torsos to flank the gas fireplace.
Her voice in Sakoon has generated a classical touch in song.
He helped the band learn to talk to other musicians about the sounds they wanted to make, and added a classical touch to many of their songs.