The radio started playing some classical selection Nick didn't recognize.
The station's music, which was also performed by other local orchestras and vocalists, would include classical selections as well as popular dance music the next night.
Often, especially within classical selections, a single composer's material is featured.
These results are in keeping with what would be predicted by an attenuation style of selection and run contrary to classical late selection theory.
It is important to note that females also benefit from high fecundity, and thus this trait is probably more affected by classical natural selection.
He hadn't cared for many classical selections, but he'd said Ravel was full of thunder.... Like her head.
Audition Information: Perform a gospel and a classical selection (a capella).
And your choice of audition piece is often largely decided by the contrast it provides with the classical selection you have made.
You've never been a fan of the symphony, so why would you play a classical selection for your processional?
The young Adler also taught himself to play classical selections by ear.