Istislah, in this classical formulation, is not mere utilitarianism, which calls good whatever brings about "the greatest happiness for the greatest number."
Using a classical formulation, Rabinow argues that anthropos today is in need of paraskeue or equipment for forming logos into ethos.
It is common practice therefore to simplify the classical formulation with a view to derive a formulation that would be readily amenable to solution.
How total, he asks in a critique of totalization which Derrida would characterize as his first 'classical' formulation, can the totalization be?
The classical formulation, as laboriously described by these equations, expressly violates experimentally observed phenomena.
The classical formulation of Robinson's joint consistency theorem is as follows:
The classical formulation is invariant under the rotation group SO(3).
In fact, the classical Marxist formulation cannot define the state without defining bureaucracy.
The classical formulation of Holmgren's theorem is as follows:
However, the classical formulation serves as an initial and simplified target.