The band plays from a classic repertoire of danceable swing tunes.
He has performed both in new works and reinterpreted classic repertoire.
Plummer has played many of the great roles in classic repertoire.
Tryater plays classic and modern repertoire in theatres, cultural centres, gymnasia, schools and outdoor locations of cities, towns and villages.
The group concentrated on classic repertoire, especially Beethoven, Mozart, Schumann, Schubert and Brahms.
In addition to a number of tracks from the band's classic repertoire, a large part of the concert was devoted to more recent material.
New editions of classic repertoire are published, as are new arrangements for different instruments and new contemporary music written especially for the College's examinations.
Each of its eight sectors, based on a selection from the classic repertoire, is represented in the exhibition.
The popularity of the work continued to rise after the war, and by the 1960s Carmina Burana was well established as part of the international classic repertoire.
Horiyoshi feels responsible for keeping the classic repertoire alive, "one prick at a time."