Lieutenant Armstrong was on his feet, face rigid, in the classic position of attention.
The exposure of the librarian meant she was infinitely interruptible, a classic position for women.
Douglas got down in the classic three-point position.
On the last spade, a classic double-squeeze position occurs, where both players cannot guard hearts.
The resulting biceps damage is the main cause of this classic physical position commonly called "waiter's tip."
The announcement appeared exceptional only because it came against the backdrop of a movement away from classic Marxist positions.
Hmahilh' there is in one of the classic positions just now, the fouarhweh.
Juniper was in the classic position of a start-up company.
Now, O'Brien appears now to be in the classic position of the older quarterback giving way to the strong, young arm.
The classic position - with baby's head over your shoulder - works but can leave spit-up trickling down your back.