Under Psacharopoulos' leadership, WTF specialized in the plays of Anton Chekhov and Bertolt Brecht, as well as the work of many classic American playwrights such as Tennessee Williams, Thornton Wilder, Arthur Miller, and Archibald MacLeish.
Graduate students like to write about O'Neill because he is seen as contemporary, not a classic playwright like Shakespeare.
R.U.R., Rossum's Universal Robots is a classic playwright written by Karel Capek in the 1920s in which the word ROBOT was coined.
Instead, theatergoers will get a classic playwright's smaller and first masterpiece, the four-character "Glass Menagerie," in the same slot.
The theatre company focuses primarily on plays from the Shakespeare canon, but its seasons include works by other classic playwrights such as Euripides, Ibsen and Wilde.
Founded in 1680 under Louis XIV, the 'French Comedy' theatre bases its repertoire around the works of classic French playwrights such as Molière, Racine, Corneille, Beaumarchais, Marivaux and Musset, though in recent years contemporary and even - shock, horror!
"The Illusion" is not one of Corneille's better known pieces, but Mark Lamos, the Hartford Stage director, has a history of staging offbeat works of classic playwrights successfully.
"Moliere With a Twist," a double-header by the classic French playwright, conceived by Mr. Toppo, remains on the Rainbow roster from June 5 to 21, possibly to be performed in cabaret fashion, in a space where "Forbidden Broadway," the popular revue, once played.
A Map Founded in 1680 under Louis XIV, 'The French Comedy' theatre bases its repertoire around works of the classic French playwrights such as Molière, Racine and Corneille, though in recent years contemporary and even non-French works have been staged.