Woven through much of what Mr. Hamadi said at the news conference was a classic exposition of the process of political reform that the Government says is getting under way in postwar Iraq.
It soon became a classic exposition of what it means to follow Christ in a modern world beset by a dangerous and criminal government.
Marx's Theory of Ideology is a 1982 book by Bhikhu Parekh that has been called a classic exposition of the Marxist theory of ideology.
It is considered a classic exposition of microeconomic theory.
The bishop never actually moved there in a classic exposition of that Nimzowitchian maxim: 'The threat is stronger than the execution'.
In On Numbers and Games, the classic exposition on surreal numbers, John Horton Conway provided a number of examples of concepts that had natural extensions from the ordinals to the surreals.
Frankenstein is often considered the classic exposition of this theme, with a scientifically created human becoming a destructive monster.
A classic exposition of qualitative economics is Samuelson, 1947.
The classic expositions are Boolos 1984, and Lewis 1991.
The classic exposition of the duty was given by Lord Wright in Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co Ltd v English [1938]AC 57.