Overall, vengeance demons appear similar to the classic depictions of genies, as they obey the exact wording of a wish but do not give the wisher what they want.
For show, he even stopped his horse suddenly and reared it back, waving with his sword in the classic depiction of the victorious Roman general.
The scenes of their life together form "one of the cinema's classic affirmative depictions of married life."
It remains a classic depiction of a key industry in early twentieth-century America.
The story noticeably departs from the classic depiction, style and backstory of the original material.
The figures in the composition recall classic depictions in mediaeval miniatures.
He becomes involved in an unusual marriage with Aparna, the scenes of their life together forming "one of the cinema's classic affirmative depiction of married life", but tragedy ensues.
In Minecraft, players are able to create a portal to "The Nether", which is inspired by the classic "fire-and-brimstone" depiction of Hell.
In classic depictions of Abe no Seimei in art and literature, Seimei is usually portrayed as a wise, crafty elderly gentleman with powerful supernatural ablities.
His graduate student, John A. Fitch, wrote The Steel Workers, a classic depiction of a key industry in early 20th-century America.