It's just a classic bit of slapstick, a screwball comedy moment.
However, it is believed by many fans, that the couple are not really fighting, only engaging in one of their classic bits.
In a classic bit of Americana, the celebrated "bouncing ball" stops and starts over the letters, according to the music's rhythm.
The cast performs classic bits that are tried and true.
That strikes me as a classic bit of Brechtian wisdom.
Even a classic bit of ground-floor political work, looking up the phone numbers of registered voters, is now commonly being done by contractors.
It's a classic bit of replacement casting: more durable than it is memorable.
He also seemed to appreciate the perfect execution of one of vaudeville's classic bits.
Another classic bit of government fantasy-think is the Community Care programme.
This doesn't mean they're not going to be awesome, but it does mean that the "classic" bit is only skin deep.