Chanhassen city officials were caught in a classic bind.
But until a good theory exists, the data will remain hard to sort out and interpret, a classic scientific bind.
The frightened subfactions of C-K were caught in the classic double bind that had alternately shaped and splintered the destinies of humanity in Space.
Digital is in the classic bind of any company that tries to introduce a new computer.
The inquiry, which will release preliminary findings in June and more detailed conclusions later, places the Governor in a classic double bind.
The domestic auto makers are caught in a classic bind.
Thus is the reporter put in a classic double bind.
Though Mr. Hacker's account is lively, he has a tendency toward pop-political-science clichés - what exactly is a "classic double bind"?
The New Yorkers fantasizing about revenge were trapped in a classic bind.
Both men are caught in prison's classic double bind: to get parole they have to play by the rules, but to stay alive they "must follow the codes of the underworld."