As with all space exploration, there is the classic argument that there is still a lot more scientists have to learn about Earth.
It is a classic separate-but-equal argument; the separation is real but the equality illusory.
According to the classic evidentialist argument, for faith to be considered rational it has to be supported by independent proof, and there simply isn't any.
Then the classic argument came up which says that if you don't do it, someone will, and it will be really bad.
Below are the classic arguments bearing upon the dilemma and its underpinnings.
He advanced the classic liberal argument that consensual sexual acts in private should not be subject to criminal law.
Many online columnists justify their work with the classic drug-dealer argument: they're just giving people what they want.
This speech is hailed as "a classic argument for free speech during time of war".
There are other critics of privitazation that is outside the classic argument of "public" versus "private".
The classic argument to illustrate this point of view is the use of women as a 'reserve army of labour'.