The seated class, looking like a strange nursery school in their loose white gis, studied the problem.
The nearer class, he decided, was studying either geometry or organic chemistry or building with blocks.
The classes have been studying I.S. 52's history as a window on city politics.
A class of approximately 380 soldiers-in-training studied in engineering at Providence for a year before going overseas.
By the time the whispers got to Armstrong, they were pretty distorted, but the piece still sounded juicier than anything the class was studying.
According to the note, Alex's class was studying mythological creatures.
She says that there was no regular programme of formal lessons where entire classes studied maths or science together.
He considers himself an expert on all topics, boasting that whatever subject the class is studying at the time is his best.
Then she got to the bear on the page, which just happened to be what the class was studying.
It was the first time that the boys' class would study with the same teacher for eight years.