And nearly every day, the class salutatorian, Melinda Sargent, worries about things that other gifted students can take for granted.
He graduated as class salutatorian in 1941.
She was pretty and popular, a friend to the ostracized, class salutatorian and homecoming queen.
He graduated in 2000 with a 4.2 grade point average, 2nd in his class of 685, and was class salutatorian.
Hindman received a classical education there and graduated with honors on September 25, 1843, as the class salutatorian.
But it came across as the class salutatorian trying to keep up with the valedictorian.
He graduated from high school in 1956 as the class salutatorian.
She was also a class salutatorian with a 4.25 GPA.
Mike Sullivan graduated from Douglas High School as the class salutatorian.
Jenny Tilley, who will probably be the class salutatorian, said her parents "grumbled" because they wanted everyone to know how well she had done.