Some class instructors keep your heart rate up by having you swing the bell constantly while doing simple dance steps.
Students conduct a service learning project with the approval and guidance of their class instructor.
She was being set up by her spinning class instructor, and the dinner party was her out.
X-Bar, the volume-level-8 car stereo man, said goodbye to the class instructor, but made it clear his definition of quality went only so far.
Becky Wible, an animator and the class instructor, was pleased with the results.
The American Council on Exercise certifies trainers and class instructors.
"None of the great artists ever saw anything wrong with it and neither do I," the class instructor, Jonathan Palmer, said.
"For them it's the closest thing to magic," said Lolita Standard, the class instructor, and curator of the show.
A class instructor may for example, administer a test on a weekly basis or just twice a semester.
P.s. I've been in touch with the class instructor and verified that this is on the level, despite all appearances.