Next, the class will discuss the reading in the target language.
The class also discussed other slogans, like "effective consensus building" and "respect for people."
There is, however, something special about the way the French political class discusses economics.
Then the next study group presented a different case, which the class later discussed.
The class has been discussing graduate writing programs, how to work with an agent and how to get published.
During rehearsal of this play, many classes discussed the death penalty and justice system as it applied to their subjects.
Leading on from this, the class discussed how they looked at pictures, and how the picture was composed.
The class discussed the lyrics' possible meanings, including that the woman wasn't really a widow, but felt like one while her husband was away working.
For example, when the class is discussing the hypothetical company's cash-flow problems, the finance professor will discuss financial models.
The class discussed unfamiliar words from the book.