A great opportunity was created to forge a national unity leaving aside the age-old class differentiations.
Moreover, it was the beginnings of class differentiation, and nobles pledged allegiance either to the Frankish/ Holy Roman Emperors or the Byzantine Emperors.
Because this price of retaining power through Red Army backing is so crushing, the economy decays faster and class differentiation becomes more vivid.
Manrico and Luna - the latter has lost his aristocratic "di", since Bieito has dispensed with Verdi's class differentiations - are rivals for leadership of the same gang.
This produces a broadly dichotomous scheme, analysed in terms drawn from work in the sociology of language on the class differentiation of verbal codes.
Further class differentiation was driven not by differing salaries, but by the differing lengths of delay in paying them.
During the 19th century, coffee and banana cultivation brought some wealth to Costa Rica which resulted in class differentiation.
As well as a national difference, they also undergo a sharp class differentiation.
We thus return, for the second part of the explanation, to the issue of class differentiation in linguistic styles discussed in Chapter 4.
Expensive driver's licenses and high-priced country club fees are symbols of this anticonsumer policy, as well as being symbols of extreme class differentiation (and of extraordinary privilege for the wealthy).