I've asked him to clarify his independence from BA.
Davies added some dialogue to clarify events from the novel to a modern audience but left much of the novel's dialogue intact.
Resolution 591 sought to clarify vague terms from previous resolutions on the topic.
Cover July 16, 2007 (note: cover provided to clarify date discrepancy from article link)
He blinked, knowing they were not there, not yet; then shook his head, trying to clarify present from future.
Amendment No 17 clarifies the notion of protectable earnings from the corresponding national fund and prevents fraud.
For the European citizens the proposal aims to clarify the existing rules on the movement of goods from one Member State to another.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a point of order which I feel it is necessary to clarify from the outset.
But there are three points I want to clarify, from our political standpoint as leftwingers committed to solidarity in a social Europe.
It is also extremely important to clarify this matter from the point of view of the credibility of the European Union as a whole.